It's been months since I've updated my blog and that's because life sort of got in the way. Working 40 hours a week as a reporter, can be tiring. (I can't imagine working more hours like most reporters normally do) My weekends are usually spent, laying around the house, doing absolutely nothing constructive.
But come very soon even that will change. I'm embarking on a journey many women before me, and many women after me will embark on.... The journey to motherhood. That's right. I'm pregnant. Surprised? Yeah, so was I when two pink lines showed up on the home pregnancy test I'd taken.
I thought the test was wrong; wasn't sure if I wanted it to be or not. And now 22 weeks later, here I am with a very pregnant belly occasionally feeling little thumps from a very busy baby.
A million thoughts, questions, scenarios run through my mind on a regular basis. Before ever really feeling any movement I often wondered if something really was inside of me or was every tests in that box defective. Now that I feel him/her moving, I try to imagine what he/she is doing, how he/she is moving and why. Not knowing the gender of my baby isn't the only big question racing through my mind. Like most parents-to-be, I wonder if my baby will look like me and act like me or more like his/her daddy. I imagine conservations we'll have when my baby is all grown up. I probably imagine and think about everything possible!
But there is probably one thing that baffles me the most, how is it possible to love someone so much despite ever meeting them?
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